Saturday, February 9, 2008


Hi all! Sorry I'm slacking on the blogging lately. I'm in Hawaii enjoying what I feel is a well deserved vacation.

Just wanted to send a hello your way and say thanks to Heidi for her last post. I love the honesty and you bring up some great questions. I was watching the Today Show yesterday morning and they were talking about "settling." This seems to be a hot topic lately. I believe that it is something that is tossed around in many people's heads. It is the question of whether or not we choose to be with someone simply because we want a companion (even though they don't fulfill our romantic, head over heels ideas, etc.) or do we pass them along with hopes of finding our soulmate.

I have never been one to advocate settling. I got a lot of shit from single friends once I had a boyfriend whenever I tried to say that they would find true love. But, I have always believed that settling only hurts you in the end.

I do, however believe that being single is not a life of hell. Again, I get the eye rolls and the "come on, you don't know what you are talking about" when I say this. But, I have said it many times in past blogs and I will say it again--I don't think that you will have a long lasting companionship if you do not first find happiness within yourself.

So, I say, don't settle but don't get discouraged if you haven't found "the one."

That just touches on the surface, but I wanted to leave a little comment to Heidi and all of you out there.

Let us know what you are thinking.


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