Monday, June 16, 2008

What will become of this...

Hello again everyone. Times have been pretty busy lately. Just wanted to share a little something with you. I have been tossing the "White Picket Fence" stereotype around in my head for quite sometime now and have wanted to make a piece in regards to it. At first I thought I would just install a larger than life white picket fence in the gallery space. But, time does have a way of changing a girl's mind and I have now decided on something else.

The above crappy photo is the 7 fence posts I purchased at Home Depot today. I have begun painting them white and will eventually lay them side by side and attach them all together to make an awesome CANVAS!

In the mean time, I need your help once again. If you could share with me any symbols, icons, images that come to your mind when you think of the words female, woman, feminine, relationships (I think that is it for now) I would greatly appreciate it. These symbols can be both stereotypes as well as realities. I would like to eventually mix the two together onto my new canvas.

Some examples thus far:
Earth, Apple, Cherry, Bride, Barbie, Brains, Lion

Thank you in advance for your help!


Kenton Henry said...

I've been thinking a lot about this & having a hard time. I guess symbolism is not my strong point...

Female/Feminine/Woman: Eve, mother, soft/delicate, wisdom

Relationship:??? Flowers? Chocolates? :P heart, rings, holding hands, ???

I'll try & think of more. :)

Lauren Odell Usher Sharpton said...

Thanks for the symbols Katrina. You'll be amazed at what you come up with after you think about it for a little while. But, the instincts you have provided me with will really help with this project. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking cake topper, babies, togetherness, pin up girl, eyelashes, pink, lace, skirt. That's about it.