Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So, I promised to share a little bit of my art on here, so lt me start by sharing a recent piece i did entitled "Support System". (My solo show is up now! See it asap, it comes down Aug 2nd! ).

My latest work has been about "girl stuff". More specifically, all the things I own that a man generally doesn't. High heels, make up, bras, etc.

On one hand, I love being a girl, and I love having all these things I get to use to alter/enhance/change up my identity.

On the other hand, what do they really have to do with me? I feel like sometimes people see the high heels and short skirt, and not the girl in them. Do these things make me feel pretty? Or do they make me feel like a puppet?

A little of both, for me. What about you?

1 comment:

Lauren Odell Usher Sharpton said...

Having seen your show I have to say that it is a successful journey towards discovering more about oneself in relation to the rest of the world and to who you think you should be. Complicated, yet simple and thought provoking. Thanks for sharing Heidi and I look forward to seeing more of your work up on the site!