Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So, I promised to share a little bit of my art on here, so lt me start by sharing a recent piece i did entitled "Support System". (My solo show is up now! See it asap, it comes down Aug 2nd! ).

My latest work has been about "girl stuff". More specifically, all the things I own that a man generally doesn't. High heels, make up, bras, etc.

On one hand, I love being a girl, and I love having all these things I get to use to alter/enhance/change up my identity.

On the other hand, what do they really have to do with me? I feel like sometimes people see the high heels and short skirt, and not the girl in them. Do these things make me feel pretty? Or do they make me feel like a puppet?

A little of both, for me. What about you?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lauren Larken: Life as Art

I just discovered Lauren Larken, a performance artist who works out gender issues via art and performance.

Here's a video talking about some of her projects.

video provided by justinlange

I first thought of Heidi when I say her work. Larkin is simply trying to make what a woman goes through in terms of "keeping up appearances" into more of a public realm. But, she is also about being a woman and embracing it and loving it and living it--which I can get on top of.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Being a Virgin.

I had an interesting conversation with a friend last week about being a virgin. Although neither one of us is, we recollected what life was like before we ventured into the world of sex and love making. I remembered high school and the complete rebellion I had against having sex. Although I thought I was being strong and non-conformist back then I think it was mainly out of fear. Fear of pregnancy and relationships in general. Fear of getting my heart broken.

But, that really isn't where the conversation headed. We were talking about the "just get it over with" thoughts that some people (both men and women) have about the first time they "go all the way." I was not one of those girls. I was actually told by a guy once that sex "is not a big deal." He was trying to sleep with me at the time and said this comment after finding out I was a virgin. I told him that to me it was and then I said good-bye. I do know people who believe, like I do, that sex is a big deal, but they still want to get rid of the word virgin as soon as possible.

I think there is certainly a stigma attached to that word. There is a thin line when it comes to sex. Speaking as a woman, I know that the age of losing one's virginity is important to some women. Lose it too young and you're a slut. Wait too long and you're desperate and a spinster. At least that is what you think other people are saying about you.

So, tell me about your first time. Was it magical or did you just want it to end? Now, I know the "first time" is certainly not the best time (I hope) but when I say magical I don't mean in the physical satisfaction. I know you probably still remember it--do you look back on it with fond memories or do you wish you would have held out a bit longer-or are you happy it happened so you weren't so caught up in the idea of it--or something else...

Talk to me.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Feminine Feminist

So, Heidi, Marie and I had an interesting conversation last week and I wanted to continue that dialog online. Rather than assume what they would say about the conversation, I will let you know what I got out of it.

For most of my life I have been tangled up in the idea of what kind of woman I am supposed to be. One of the luxuries about growing up is that the older I get the less I care about other people's opinions of me. The more I am able to be me. When I was younger I was a bit confused in terms of how I could paint my finger nails a different color each week, but deck a guy for pinching my butt. I guess I have a bit of both the Tomboy and the Girly girl inside of me and am just recently realizing that being both is okay.

In terms of the feminist movement, I have always considered myself a feminist, but have never wanted to associate myself with that activist group. This video below is part of the reason why.

Check it out.

video provided by TrixiFilms. Visit the youtube channel here.

I believed the stereotype. I thought that feminism was meant for women who wanted to be higher on the food chain than men, wanted men to suffer. I never wanted that, I just wanted to be respected as I walked down the street or into a job interview.

Here is another video of women giving their viewpoints on feminism

Video also provided by Trixie Films

But today I am willing to call myself a feminist, but I am also willing to admit that I love high heels, doing my hair, looking sexy for my fiance and feeling sexy.

Does anyone else out there struggle with these stereotypes?

There is so much that I could dive into right now. The idea that you can't be pretty and smart, that a strong independent woman can't like to get her nails done or get gussied up once in a while.

I found a great article written by a 17 year old girl. Read it here.

Let me know what you think about this subject.

Monday, June 16, 2008

What will become of this...

Hello again everyone. Times have been pretty busy lately. Just wanted to share a little something with you. I have been tossing the "White Picket Fence" stereotype around in my head for quite sometime now and have wanted to make a piece in regards to it. At first I thought I would just install a larger than life white picket fence in the gallery space. But, time does have a way of changing a girl's mind and I have now decided on something else.

The above crappy photo is the 7 fence posts I purchased at Home Depot today. I have begun painting them white and will eventually lay them side by side and attach them all together to make an awesome CANVAS!

In the mean time, I need your help once again. If you could share with me any symbols, icons, images that come to your mind when you think of the words female, woman, feminine, relationships (I think that is it for now) I would greatly appreciate it. These symbols can be both stereotypes as well as realities. I would like to eventually mix the two together onto my new canvas.

Some examples thus far:
Earth, Apple, Cherry, Bride, Barbie, Brains, Lion

Thank you in advance for your help!

Friday, May 30, 2008

What is your idea of Romance?

Unfortunately I think the older I get the harder it is to please me. When I was younger my heart fluttered all of the time. I giggled when a boy caught my eye, now I am tempted to yell, "Hey asshole, what's your problem?" How does this happen? Is it, the more I see the less I'm impressed?

Whenever I see a child I envy the way he/she looks at the world. They are literally seeing some things for the first time. Unfortunately as we grow older we become accustomed to things and can end up passing something a hundred times before we notice it. My art has gravitated towards this idea for a very long time. I struggle to live in the moment and appreciate everything. Anyone who has seen my work (you can check it out here) knows that I go to great extremes to prove to others and to myself that everything holds significance. I do believe this, but sometimes I don't live in it.

Going on a date with your boyfriend/fiance/husband is not the same as going on a date with a guy you just met. I'm not saying I want to go back to the earlier part of my relationship, but I find that love can sometimes get pushed to the side of life and that is the last thing I want. Love is life and should never be taken for granted. So, why do I?

I think all of these thoughts are coming up for me partly because planning a wedding can often times be unromantic. And that is really the last thing I want to happen. From day one girls are told that the wedding is IT! The most romantic thing in the world, something you should build your whole life up to. So dramatic...I'm not putting my wedding under those categories, but it is difficult for something to remain romantic when money and planning are tossed into the equation. That's a reality check right away. So, how do I deal with this? I breath...and try to remember who I am marrying and that this is all that matters.

Anyone else experience ups and downs of romance and love in their own relationships?

Talk to me.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Raise your hand if you're sexy

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for commenting on the last post. I am really excited to use the responses I received to make an awesome work! I am eternally grateful.

So, on to another subject. I am wondering how people label themselves and how they determine that label. I want to know how many of you out there would say "YES!" to the question, "Do you think you're sexy?"

What I find most interesting about the mental thoughts I have when I ask myself this question is that I mostly concentrate on my physical appearance. So, generally the answer sways from "Hell yeah!" to "uhhh...sure." depending on the time of day, day of the week, week of the month, etc. Anyone else go through that kind of roller coaster? I will say, most of the time it is a "Hell Yeah." The not feeling sexy all the time is actually not my main concern.

What makes me think twice is that when I think of my own definition of "Sexy" it doesn't involve physical appearance (you can read it here.) But, when I look at myself in the mirror, that is all I think about. Weird, huh? I guess I'm a hypocrite or something of that nature. We all are our worst critics perhaps, but I am tired of that.

I do admit that when I put on a well fitting dress and brush and blow dry my hair, I feel sexy. But, why not feel sexy when I solve a problem or finish a new work of art?

Answer me this: What makes you feel sexy? And what do you wish made you feel sexy?

There might be more to talk about here, or I may just need to get over myself and feel sexy when I wash the dishes and do other generally "non-sexy" things. You have to start somewhere.

Just wanted to write a little note. I'm off to work on a couple of sexy projects.
